Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Art Work

My current balcony's wall is like a blank canvas. Waiting for me to get creative! Finally done with the base with lots of coating to make sure it's white enough. Will be finally adding colors to it!

And guess what's the color?


My all time favourite color! I wanted red, but because I am afraid it will come out too reddish, then I'll get scolded by the parents. Because it might cause the place to be dark too. T.T And so pink is my choice.

Previously it was blue in color, and I don't want blue again. I am not a fan of green, so no green for me. Wanted giraffe color because I am making the place with giraffe prints as my wife likes giraffe, but then I want to get creative, so I settled with pink. =D

Oh, painted the shelves white too because I am going to give it a fresh new coat of pink too! Yeah! I think Jun will be giving me the =.= face because it is very pink. Muahaha . . .

And the furniture will be rearranged too. But how? I am not rather very sure of myself too. Haha . . .

Today I have learnt that painting can be a very tiring job. I sweat, I got hungry and thirsty. I feel like I can eat 2 meals straight. Argh . . . Time for bed. =D

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