I visited Sentosa a day before my birthday together with my wife. Because I showed her the promotion for Butterfly and Insect Kingdom and Underwater World and Dolphin Lagoon for the price of one. If I didn't remember wrongly it cost $29.90 per ticket. =D Great offer man! Then she decided to bring me there. =D Mad happy.

First stop when we arrived, the Butterfly and Insect Kingdom. =D I was really really afraid of having close contact with them, like holding them. But the wife isn't. She was brave enough to try and catch them when they're resting.

The closest I can get to the butterfly is with the help of a piece of banana, thanks to the lady working there for helping after knowing my phobia.
At the Butterfly and Insect Kingdom, we came across different species of butterflies and insect. Not to mention, the birds, iguana, mandarin ducks too.
And best of all . . .

My wife had a very close contact with a
When I said close contact, it literally meant that she didn't need a piece of banana or whatsoever to get close with it. I am so proud of her but felt worried at the same time. As everyone knows scorpions are poisonous. What if that scorpion goes crazy?! The thought of it makes me shiver.
We left the Butterfly and Insect Kingdom a tad bit of disappointment. We thought we can to touch real live worms! You know like what we saw on our friend's facebook album? But sadly nope, the only thing we could come in close contact with is the butterfly and scorpion. The birds however, they're everywhere.
We rested our feet after a tour at the Butterfly and Insect Kingdom before making our way to the Underwater World and Dolphin Lagoon via bus.

This creature is very popular when I was there with my wife. I wanted to get a nice picture of it but I couldn't. I have to wait till I toured finish the entire Underwater World before having the chance to squeeze with the crowd. Somehow, I got pushed by the Indian tourists, stepped by China kids and this is the best I could get. =(

But hey! At least I am happy to see the dolphins! The tricks they performed was rather cute and amusing. =D And I got to know that when they are young, they are grey in color. And when they gets older, they'll turn pink. Interesting fact right? But I kind of forgotten the breed of the dolphins though. =x

Did I mentioned that I watched the dolphins show twice? And yes, this photo is taken during my second visit to the Dolphin Lagoon. =D I told my wife I want to watch the show again and there we were sitting right in front of the stage. =D Yeah!
Why I want to sit near the stage? Because I want to take nice photos of the sealions! Muahaha . .
And I get to see the tricks they did quite clearly and quite near too. =D Love it.
I enjoyed myself during the trip, so does the wife. =D I can say after the trip to Sentosa, I am a happy girl. =D