Monday, February 22, 2010

My 21st

I am officially 21 yesterday. Spent most of the time in bed due to the flu. Wasn't feeling that well thus parents cancelled the visiting of relatives and friends for red packets. But I felt much better today. =D

Dad gave me a red packet, and he secretly hides behind the door to see my reaction. So sweet of him.

Although I spent most of my time on my birthday at home and on bed, I managed to dragged myself out of bed towards Bishan to catch a movie with my wife. =D And yes, I got a birthday cake this year from her. =D I always have a birthday cake from her every year without fail. =D It's high time I do the same too.

We watched [Percy Jackson and the Lightning Theif] last night. Initially wanted to watch [True Legend] because it's a martial art kind of film, but I suppose the wife isn't really interested in those kind of movies, so I decided to watch [Percy Jackson and the Lightning Theif].

Since it's the month of February, and that I am a member of Golden Village, I have a free movie one to one ticket voucher. =D So we paid $10 for the other ticket and we're off to watch this movie. I didn't know what this movie is about, neither did I read the story. The wife said it's something like Harry Potter and the review of it was good. So there we go.

Had an hour before the movie starts. Being sick, I had Mos Burger for 2nd round of dinner with my wife. =x Yummy~ But the soup wasn't that nice though.

Anyway, the movie was somewhat interesting, but can be better. If to compare with Harry Potter, the beginning was quite a like. Harry and Percy didn't know who they really are. Then bad guys are all coming after them. They go to special school/camp that is for their own kind. They travel by floo powder/pearl. One had a broom to fly, the other is by flying shoe. At the end of the day, they are the ones that save the day.

Maybe I should start reading the story of Percy Jackson. The movie is worth our $10. =D

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