Saturday, January 9, 2010


Nearing the age 21 gives me the fright that I am actually aging. Youth isn't something that will stay long with me. Someday somehow I have to step into the adult world, then to the senior citizen.

Remembering how carefree I used to be during Primary School. I roam the neighborhood without a care. I walked under the rain without having to think that I will ever get sick and just spend my day playing hard.

Then I came to Secondary School, made new friends and experienced a whole new thing. More emotions came hitting me, and I experienced them all. Then the worry starts to kick in.

But those didn't give me the much fear I have in me right now. Soon to be 21, I have yet to find my aim and goal, or rather I did but am afraid of making that very step. Though I may have said to my wife not to worry, you just need to make that very step. It was easier said than done. I know it myself, very clearly.

I may have made many unreasonable demand, wants many items. But I know they are just some material things I can never have. Soon I began to realize that happiness is what I am truly searching for and want.

Day dreams are just a dream I build for myself. Wishlist is just a list that I listed but not necessary have to have them.

Maybe just maybe right after my 21st birthday, I'm going to in search for a new route of career. I need to plan and make things right.

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