Friday, January 1, 2010

My New Year 2010 Mini Get Together

Photobucket Yesterday was the last day of 2009 for all of us. And today is a brand new day for a new beginning of the new year. =D

Wife and I had not much of any plans to celebrate or go for a countdown. But we both agreed to go over to a friend's house for a mini get together, no big hu-ha of a big celebration, just a quiet one. So I meet up with Wife at her place as she's bringing the super hyperactive dog out for the mini get together as well. =D

Before we head off to Pat's place, we had our last fish spa of the year, with the dog. Hersheys drank the water from the pond. =.= It's a good thing it's the fish spa's pond, imagine it's the prawn fishing pond. Eeww . . .

We introduced Hersheys to Ah Wang and her pups. And all attacked poor Hersheys. =(

Done with the fish spa, off we go to Pat's.

Photobucket The journey to Pat's is a walking distance. However we got lost somewhere just to find the block. TJ and Twinkle greeted us. Hersheys as usual was trying to escape from other dogs. But once she found toys, she was slightly calmed down and asked everyone to play with her.

We reach the place at around 8plus. We had our dinner, watched G-Force and The Proposal. 12midnight we wished everyone a Happy New Year and started getting out light sticks. We made a big ring of light sticks for the dogs and they walked everywhere glowing with different lights. =D Pictures is with Siddy. Once I get hold of it, I'll post a picture of two of it. =D

Everyone started to get tired except Hersheys who is still trying to play. Then we gossiped, we talk about gay and lesbian, then we talk about safe sex etc. Weird I know but that's what we talked about.

Oh, during the journey home, Shaun broke a light stick and the liquid went into his eyes. Hope he's feeling better now after the wash up when he reach home. =D

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