Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Buffet and The Mini Chingay 2010

Photobucket I meet up the juniors who meet me up to celebrate my 21st birthday. Although it's only a small gathering and eating at the Peranakan Buffet, it's something quite worth remembering. It's not everyday we get to have time together.

These are the girls that I hang out with during my secondary school time. We're from the school's wushu team. I guess we don't fit in the wushu category because of our looks. And we don't seem to change much. We're crazy in some ways, yet serious. We had so much joy and laughter back then. Oh, and we planned to visit our wushu coach during the lunar new year. =D I had a nice very lady-like necklace which I am not sure if I'd be wearing it anytime soon.

Photobucket It's not everyday you see Star Wars characters walking down Orchard road. And it's a great timing since I had my Nikon D60 with me. I began snapping away ignoring the photography concept. I just want to snap and capture something to show my wife what she had missed.

They had this mini chingay 2010 parade along Orchard Road today. Many tourists, on-lookers, passer-bys stopped to take pictures of the performers. And I was trying to get the best spot to snap away without anyone blocking. But somehow, there's always people walking past, ignoring you or suddenly pop out of somewhere. Maybe, the next time I had such chances, I most probably will try to get some best shots.

Oh, and I received a very nice and useful book. [The Simple Guide to Grooming Your Dog]. This is a birthday present from a friend of mine in Hamster Shelter. =D Very thoughtful and I appreciate it. Have been looking and searching for grooming books to buy/borrow. Think I'll settle down with this first. =D Thanks Mitsu!

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