Monday, August 10, 2009

Outings. =D

Photobucket Last Friday night, had durian session with the girls. We meet up at AMK Hub before setting off. The wife is bringing us to eat good durian as promised to me a long long time ago. =D We had 717 durian at around Kovan area. Quite near to Serangoon Stadium/swimming complex.

Had 4 durians and the total damage was $40. It's worth the price. So far, it's the nicest durian I had since young. I am not a fan of durian, but I just had this sudden craving for durians and so there we were enjoying the nice durian.

Anyway, after durian session, we girls didn't know where to go and Jun just drove all the way up towards Punggol End. We had a nice short moment of enjoying the breeze and walking along the shore. We saw someone who caught a sotong up. =D It still can move and slowly changing color as it's dying.

Photobucket In the end, we ended up opposite Bishan's Salvation Army for prawn fishing session. A short 3 hours. =D

They were busy putting the bait, waiting for prawn and getting the prawn off the hook. As for me, I am sitting down busy eating satay that I bought for us. Yummy~
No choice, I'm hungry. =D

Photobucket The wife caught the smallest prawn that night. However, this small little one escaped back to the pond when we placed it in the basket. =(

It was too small thus when we saw that the float had sunk and came up again, we thought the prawn had escaped. Little did we know we managed to get a small prawn.

Photobucket My wife also caught the biggest prawn that night. =D

Photobucket We went over to a friend's place for BBQ. And I will say, the beef cooked by Bear Bear (a nickname they gave him I guess) was nice. =D Overall, I like my sausage, crab stick and the beef. =D

Ranger finally wants me to pat him. After so long. =.=

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