Sunday, August 2, 2009

Genting (25 July 09 to 28 July 09)

Photobucket I went to Genting with my friends and wife on 25 July 2009. Night bus at 11pm. Meet them up at Beach Road, Golden Mile Complex at 10:30pm. As previously I have tweeted and wrote on Facebook that I am looking forward to this trip, and as I was there, I got really quite excited.

We reached there early in the morning. The air was cold. We had KFC for breakfast and the porridge isn't nice. =( Wasted the money. At 7:30am, we took the cable car ride down towards Awana, because the wife and I wanted to visit the 10 Animal Kingdom or something.

Photobucket Apparently we reached there too early. The 10 Animal Kingdom wasn't open yet and we walked around aimlessly. When the time arrived for the place to be opened, we bought our tickets. And then . . .


We started taking pictures of it and the wife tried holding it. I don't have the nicest photo of the wife holding this cute little porcupine, and so I shall only post this picture.

We do take photos of another animal that was at the counter. A small 2 month old baby. =D Super cute can! And the snake nearby gives me the shudder. The scaly skins. Eeekkk . . .

I quite enjoyed my trip, although the animals condition wasn't good. =(

The wife and friends did went to casino, Jun and Yen Fen took turns to babysit me because I am underage. I told them let's go again next year, because I am of age and no one needs to babysit me anymore. =D

Photobucket Had a try of archery. It was fun! But sadly to say my aiming wasn't good and that I got a huge blue black after the whole game. =(

Photobucket We went to the Theme park on the second day. We bought indoor and outdoor theme park tickets. First ride for the outdoor theme park was this pedaling boat thing. But we only just begun when it started drizzling and thus we headed back to shore. And we took other rides that doesn't affect us. =D

And when the weather says OK, we headed off towards for the more thrilling rides. Being timid, I didn't really want to try much rides. But I gave the OK sign for the pirate ship which I got a jelly leg after the whole ride. The wife had to support me down the ship instead. Haha . . .

Photobucket The wife had a try for the spaceshot or whatever you call. Very scary! I admit that I was a little worried for the wife after hearing the story Jun and her friends told us. I watched from below with a worried look. But then, the wife enjoys the ride. She say I should try during my next trip and I don't have to be scared of the height. OK, you tell me how to? I have phobia in heights. T.T

Photobucket We had some slow soothing rides. We took this pictures after the dinosaur ride. Boring~

Then we went to this ride that we called the 'washing machine'. Boring~

Oh, my most favourite part of the theme park is the bumper car aka pong pong car. =D
I like it so much that I insist to play before going off to bed. =D And my next trip, I want to play pong pong car again! Hehe . . .

Photobucket We played the arcade for a while before heading off for the Harry Potter movie. Jun and I managed to get that many tickets after playing the basketball. Sadly to say, our 51 tickets can't change to something more useful than sticker and thus we gave it to some random stranger.

Photobucket We do have some random shots like this where someone says "Cheese~" and we'd turn around to pose immediately. Damn comical.

Photobucket Hello Shorty~

We visited Ripley's Believe it or Not!
And . . .

My fracture foot was in pain during the tour because the museum damn big and the standing and walking causes it to be in pain.

Note: The fracture have not fully recover yet.

We learned some things. And the one that caught our interest was the fertility statue. We asked Jun to touch it to see whether the fertility thing is true or not. So sad, she doesn't want to touch. =(

No baby to carry. =x

We took some photos but not much. Wait till I have a camera of my own, and that we went back to Genting, I'll take lots of photos back to post.

Photobucket The books are falling! Help~

Photobucket Played and ate a lot before returning. =D

Oh, and the pizza hut there was cheap but the service sucks.

It's 2:32am, time for bed.

P.S. I know my editing of photo sucks. But give me some time. I am still learning. =D

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