Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Nothing Interesting

There isn't any interesting stuff happening to me lately and there's not much of a photo taking taking place. So I just thought of dropping by to say hello to June.

I remembered last year during this day I was at home doing practically nothing. Not job hunting, neither am I learning anything useful. So now that I am working, I think back through that I am actually wasting my time. But then again, I think it's worth while. Sometimes taking a long break let you enjoy doing practically nothing for a period of time feels good at time.

Anyway, I am making plans for the future. My future that is. I am planning my way through to be a groomer. I have made my first step in calling a grooming pet shop last night, and the next step was to move forward.

The wife said I can move left and right, but no U-turn. Which means I can go back to media line if I want to or towards my aim as a groomer. But no U-turn back to being nothing and have no aim or goal in life.

You know, having a goal/aim in life makes me feels good for once. =D

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