Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Customers. Tsk.

Customers are always hard to handle. Except for some. For example this morning, a guy came in to buy Frontline. I did ask about the breed and the weight. He said yes it's the one. OK, I sell it to him. A few minutes later the sister called up and say I'm unprofessional because I sold the wrong thing to the brother.

Firstly, it's a mix shih tzu, so it might weigh 10kg or more.
Secondly, I did ask for the weight and showed him the product to ask if it's the right one. He said yes.
Thirdly, I did make sure, I asked twice he confirmed it.

Then I get a scolding by the sister in the end. Sickening.

Another is a customer that called to ask about moltted winterwhite if we have any or any outlet. She wants the ones from Holland. Then she asked if it's OK to introduce another hamster. I said no and she die die want to introduce. See, what can I do?

Hamsters are territorial, I said many times in the conversation and it didn't went into her head. She kept saying last time she had a pair that stay together perfectly. OK lohx. What can I do right?

But I pity the hamsters.

I don't even confirm chop chop knows whether the hamsters are from Holland or not. What if the outlet she bought it from lied to her? Not my problem. Bleahx.

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