Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mother's Day

I know Mother's Day is long over, but I am so not free to even update on it. Although I am awake at least 2 hours before I go to work just to use the laptop, there is so much things I need to do. Working under the pet's industry is no easy thing. If you give the wrong information to customers, good luck. And I am trying to absorb as much facts on the kitty food and the the doggy food. One word, tired.

Anyway, Mother's Day was last Sunday and I had to work. I didn't spend it with my mum on the actual day but the week before with the wife. Which is a good thing. OK, skip.

Back to Sunday. The wife came down to meet me for dinner during my one hour break. And since it's Mother's Day, the wife said we should pamper ourselves and thus we had KFC. We pamper ourselves because we are mothers too. We have 13 kids now and hopefully the number stop there. No I won't adopt anymore. There's no place and cages left.

As we had our Mother's Day meal, I grumbled that the kids didn't give us anything. The wife then had to reply that the kids are still young. Hmm . . . At least they should squeaked to greet me instead. They better do next year.

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