Thursday, April 2, 2009

Working Makes Me Stress & Tired

Photobucket Working seriously made me stress and so I need a pack of this. Bought this at the 7-Eleven at the MRT station and I kena checked I/C like again. Haha . . .

Photobucket Today's job consist of travelling. So here's a summary of where I traveled to.

  • River Valley Court - Ngee Ann City
  • Ngee Ann City - River Valley Court
  • River Valley Court - Raffles City
  • Raffles City - Jalan Tarum
  • Jalan Tarum - River Valley Court
  • River Valley Court - Oxley Road
  • Oxley Road - River Valley Court
  • River Valley Court - Orchard, Shopping Arcade
  • Orchard, Shopping Arcade - Paya Lebar Rd
  • Paya Lebar Rd - Jalan Tarum
  • Jalan Tarum - Serangoon Ave 2
  • Serangoon Ave 2 - River Valley Court
See I travlled a lot of places today. Haha . . . Because the office is still sort of renovating and redesigning, so I do all these 跑腿 work. But then again, I think this is what Production Assistant is all about. I just work barely a week, the wife complains my tummy has harden. Muslces forming mahx. Cannot blame. I think my arm and legs one is forming again too. Haha . . . After long time of no wushu training, all turns to fats liao. =x

I helped out a little during production. And I can the production process is a lot of work. :( From controlling of traffic to maintaining crowds noises etc. to carry all the things needed. But I can say it's a whole new lot of experience for me.

Met the other colleagues of mine. Marie is quite friendly. The others not sure of their name. Most of them are females though. Haha . . . Girl Power! OK, maybe wait till I met all the others then say.

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