Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy 18th Months Anniversary

Photobucket Happy 18th Month Anniversary dearest wife! I was thinking that I might be busy in like say soon cos I've started work, so I thought of writing this up for you and scheduled it to be posted today, just in case I might not be there for you.

18 months we have been together now. And for the 18 months, you've been sponsoring me on everything. From food to clothes to transportation to phone bills. I might not like it in so many ways, you might not seem to even bother although we both are financially not stable. Baby, I want you to know how grateful I am and I appreciate everything you did for me these 18 months.

We might have gone on many roller coaster rides, but please don't bring me for a real one at the theme park. During the many roller coaster rides, I am grateful that you are always there with me. Honey, I want to be there for you too. :D

I'll cut everything short. So here goes.

You've made my life complete, and I want to be with you wherever you are. I want to go through the ups and downs in future with you. To hold you tight. Although working couples might not spend much time together, I want you to know that I love you so.

I love you darling.
Happy 18th Months Anniversary.

Love your wife.

P.S. I'll do your shepherd's pie when I'm free. :D

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