Saturday, April 4, 2009

Busy Schedule

I have a very busy schedule from tomorrow onwards. And there goes my public holiday for this month. I don't get to celebrate my Good Friday. No Easter eggs. :(

Here's the schedule:

5th April - 9am report, 10pm wrap up
6th to 7th April - work at office
8th April - 6:30am report, 7:30pm wrap up
9th April - work at office
10th April - 9am report, 10pm wrap up
11th April - 6am report, 7pm wrap up
12th April - 5:30am report, 6:30pm wrap up
13th to 14th - work at office
15th April - 8:30am report, 9:30 wrap up
16th April - 11am report, 12am wrap up
17th April - 6am report, 7pm wrap up
18th April - 9am report, 9:30pm wrap up

And when I said wrap up, it doesn't mean I knocked off from work. There's cleaning to do as predicted.
So I have listed my schedule here, hopefully the wife will see it and make sure that the kids are fine during my absence. =x

But I guess after the 18th, most probably there's another production coming. *faint*

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