Sunday, March 8, 2009

Cycling Cycling

Jun asked me out today to her friend's wedding. We reached Tampines to find many Vespar bikes vroom vroom around. We had lunch at the wedding, and the food was super spicy. Malay food are always spicy. But the rice is quite nice. I didn't take the chicken because I feel like eating the achar.

Then we drove back home to my place and was off to cycle. But first we repair the old bike. Had to change the tyre and inner tube. Total damage $50 for two wheels. Then rode half way to realize my new bike's inner tube burst. Then we rode back to the shop. And this is what the uncle said,

Normally new bikes the inner rubber tube is made of low quality. So they will burst easily, so I suggest you to change the inner tube for two wheels.

But then because I realized my bank left not much, so I told Uncle I'll change the back one first. The front, another day. I sms-ed the wife about it, and she thought my bike had some parts went wrong.

I learnt something new today. New bikes the inner rubber tube always have problems because of low quality material. So if you bought a new bike and the tyre went wrong don't be alarm.

Jun and I rode towards Punggol, lots of slopes which I don't really like. We rode to her future house which is still a piece of land for now. Jun said after moving in to Punggol, she'll get a bike of her own and we're off cycling during our free time. We rode around Punggol finding Punggol Plaza. After which go over to the small little high way thing and we're at SengKang and off home to park the bike before dinner.

One conclusion for the entire cycling trip, tiring.
After not exercising much since I graduate from high school, I've realized my stamina had dropped tremendously. So I think I need to go on a healthy lifestyle once again. So may be jogging next to Punggol, suggested by Jun. *faint*

Can we have erm, badminton instead?

Oh one last thing.

Jun, thank you for the water bottle holder for two bikes and the remaining money for the tyre repairment. :D
Treat you home bake apple muffin. :D

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