Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Yummy Yum Yum

Out of the blue, Jun called to ask me out for dinner last evening. I went unexpectedly leaving the wife alone. Board Jun's car when she arrives and headed off towards Gold's workplace. Went to somewhere in Singapore to have nice food.

Abalone porridge.
It is nice. The abalone is thick enough. But then, I don't like the roasted nuts and the a bit of ginger slices. =x

Don't ask me to describe the taste of it. I sucks at giving food review. I only know whether it is nice or not. I can say, it is super nice. Jun's treat, because previously she won Toto. Yippee~ But too bad, I don't buy Toto or 4D. So cannot treat for the time being.

Anyway, after dinner we head off towards AMK to fetch the wife then towards Serangoon North. Managed to bargain for the necessary things. And the best part was, after the wife made a phone call, I lost my balance and almost fall. The wife tries to catch me. In the end, her nice touch screen phone dropped, and the stylus into the drain. =x

Sorry baby, will try not to lose balance again after your phone call. =x

Delivery for all the things that we bought. $210 in total. =x

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