Monday, February 23, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire Slumdog Millionaire is not your ordinary hindu film. To put it across, it isn't the kind you would see it on Vasantham Central. Slumdog Millionaire is a movie that depicts the lives in India somehow.

They showed places we might not be able to see in our own country, like how it is like to be living in a slum and how children in India survives without their parents. It is something we don't see in Singapore.

The whole movie is about how Jamal who grew up with his brother and his childhood love, Latika. The three of them became orphans after a fight broke out in their hometown. There they learned to seek shelter and to fend for themselves. Right at the moment when they were living by themselves at rubbish dump, a man approached them who they thought were their saint. But they were wrong.

Years went by, Jamal took part in Who Wants to be a Millionaire, hoping Latika would be watching it. As he knew every answer to the questions, they thought he was cheating and thus got caught by the police before returning to answer the last question in the game.

The movie plot was good. And it won 13 awards in the Oscars if I am not wrong. The whole movie was worth to watch although I almost slept in the middle of it because I am a little tired for not having enough rest the previous night.

They do not have the sundden singing and dancing in the middle of the movie. Which is something new in a show about India. They put the dancing at the end of the movie, which gives a little entertainment factor.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed, it's different. it is after all not taken by Indians.
    But the end song n dance sequence is so cute and cutely placed :)
    A brilliant movie all in all.
