- While waiting for cab, not much cab. One got taken, and she started hurling vulgarities. A few pass by with the sign busy but none inside, she started hurling vulgarities.
- Reaching Singapore Expo, Salty got excited upon seeing other dogs. She scolded him.
- Walking towards open space nearby food court, Salty shit, she started to nag and give the irritated face.
- She asked for a drink. Asking her what drink she wants, she says anything is fine. I got her a can of coke. She nags.
- Conclusion, PMS.
Aren't all the dogs cute? Although I have only these few pictures, but because I went there quite late, not much dogs to look at. And only these few are the ones I think is nice and I want to share it.
The best part was when we're all paying for the entrance fee, I was holding onto Salty, while Miho was by one of my sister's friend. This Salty boy, he saw the fierce malamute and wanted to approach. And while he approached, the malamute barked and almost charged towards my direction. Being so afraid of big dogs since young which I don't know why, I got a little fright due to the fierce and loud bark. The whole of expo was like looking at my direction. Scary lahx. Stupid Salty, can't he pick somebody of his own size?
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