Sunday, January 25, 2009

Washing of Car

Yesterday I had a really great time. The quiet me has turned to a slightly talkative one yesterday. The whole day was rather alright, but the evening part was superb. I waited for Jun to arrive before heading off to Victor's place to collect my pineapple tart.

Photobucket I sms-ed Victor to say we've reached and he'll bring down the pineapple tarts. But after minutes of waiting, no sign of this guy. With numerous calls and sms-es, no reply and so I went up instead. In the end, he is in the toilet doing big business. His mother gave me a discount by a few dollars. Well, better than nothing. Haha . . .

Photobucket I saw this rabbit outside Victor's neighbor house every time I went up. Poor rabbit. The living condition wasn't good. The space of cage only allows it to move one step. Half of the cage was super dirty. I still think my kids are fortunate to have a very good mother. When I said mother, it is not me. I am not self praising. I meant the other mother.

Photobucket After collecting, Jun drove through the new underpass towards SLE? And we emerged out towards Xueli's place. Went up the multi-storey car park and she was off to pass some things to Gold. We both had not have our dinner yet, so we went off towards Hougang for dinner. We arrived at the car park near the coffee shop opposite Punggol Park, but to our surprised, a man whom we do not know appeared. He signaled Jun to move backwards a little, as in so called guiding her. I though he dropped something and is waiting for Jun to done parking before retrieving, but I was wrong. He stood outside Jun's car and begged for money. We were both so afraid of getting down the car that Jun drove off instead. We were afraid after alighting, this unknown man will hold onto us and not let go.

We headed off towards Rivervale Plaza instead, bought Mac and was off towards my place for car washing. It was fun! Haha . . .

Actually I did nothing. I am there to watch her wash, and I am just pouring the water to wash off the foams. =x But still fun. I get to spray the thing for the tires. Hohoho. Like Christmas season though because of the spraying of foam out for the tires.

Then we talked under my void deck in the car for hours. We gossiped, talk about yester-years of how we met and became quite close friends. Then we said how come none sms-ed or call us to find out where we were. And we just bluntly said our phone is spoiled because it doesn't ring. Then the wife came looking for me at 1plus in the morning. Haha . . .

I had a good talk! Yeah~
Can we do that again?

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