Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Visit to the Vet Because the son looks so sick lately, the wife has been complaining and asking me to bring him to the vet. But because I want to go together with her with the son, as it looks like a complete family to me. Like you know, parents bringing their kids to the doctor kind of feeling? Yahx, that's why I dragged until today then we had a visit to the vet.

We visited the one at Jalan Kayu. I alighted the bus, and was walking down the lane to find the exact place of the vet. I know it is the first among the shop houses, but I still can't stop looking at the shop houses located along the street. Upon reaching I called the wife and she said she'll be late. So I went in to register. No appointment, so have to wait.

I saw Golden Retriever, Miniature Schnauzer, many JR terrier, Boxer, Miniature long hair Daschund and many many more. And each were waiting for their turn. Seeing that most patients are dogs of different sizes, I looked at mine, a small helpless Syrian Hamster. :(

Photobucket And so I waited outside for my turn as I listened to songs and wait for the wife's arrival. Many dogs went in and out. More dogs came and visit the vet as well. There's no seat at all, so I am standing for don't know how long waiting for the wife's arrival as I look happily at the dogs available there. There's also a huge notice for missing pets. Nice~

The wife came, we talked and took picture of the sick looking son. I would say, this vet is so much better than the previous one I went to.

The vet did skin scrapping easily without fearing the son will bite them upon knowing he does. Unlike the other, they are kind of afraid, I can tell. =x
They managed to get the skin sample and tell us there's this mite in it and she gave him a droplet of don't know what to cure the mite. They even helped to cut the son's overgrown teeth. =.=
See the result of not wanting to chew on the wood chews available in the tanks. T.T Poor him.

When they were helping to trim his overgrown teeth, the wife hugged me tight because I don't know. She felt the pain the son is going through in front of us? I don't know. But anyway, for teeth trimming, it cost $20.

Overall, the vet visit is so much cheaper than the previous one. I should have gone there earlier. See, the result of not listening to the wife.

After which, we bought some beans before heading off back to SengKang where I had lunch at Rivervale mall while the wife just drank the soup that comes along with my noodle. We walked around the NTUC to get some organic things for the kids. Woohoo. I can see me swipe my card twice today.

After dinner and before sending the wife home, I bought the cockroach bait, because the dog managed to chase one out today from nowhere. Not the first time. =.=

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