Since many years ago, the sister has been begging my mother to allow her to keep a dog. She even put in good words like she will take care of the dog. Feed him, bathe him and brings him out for walks etc. But then again, after having the dog, things changed. Now I finally understands what the wife mean when there is a dog, things within the family changes drastically. Now I see where the changes has lead to.
When we got Salty a year ago, the cleaning, feeding etc. was done by either me or the mother. She only takes the responsibilities of bringing him to the vet and bathe him. She spent money on the obedience classes which doesn't seem to be of help much till this date only on certain occasion or when my sister uses the way the current instructor taught her to.
Put that aside, she is super rude towards my parents especially when it comes to teaching the dog. And now when we are babysitting this female puppy, my sister isn't happy about it. Here's why:
- Miho is really a good girl and she behaves well, thus she got my parents praise which Salty is jealous about. Then my sister isn't because her son doesn't get the attention he used to and because Salty is jealous.
- She isn't happy the way her colleague brought up the dog. Everything to the groomer, doesn't know the basic commands well.
I am unhappy. Here's the reason why:
- Salty bullies Miho, and when Miho bites back, she gets the blame too. OK, I do not know much about teaching the dogs, but still it is for self defense, can't she bite back to defense herself?
- When Salty licked my hand, she looked at me in a fierce way and says I am not supposed to wipe on him because of his fur will be tangled or something. But then again, it already is the tangled way.
- She looks at me the irritated way when the wife sleeps in the room. What's wrong with that? The wife didn't really bother about her, why gets irritated. My fault? Then I should be real irritated because of her boyfriend being a freeloader here. Comes here and stay always. Locked me out etc.
- She asked for my help the unfriendly way when she is going out with Salty for class and Miho is blocking the way. What? My fault again?
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