Monday, December 29, 2008

When Boredom Strikes

1- Get the closest book, go to page 18 and write the 4th line down.
No book around.

2- What’s the last thing you’ve watched on TV ?
New Police Story on Channel 5

3- Without checking, guess what time it is ?

4- Check, it is…

5- Outside of the computer noise, what do you hear ?
Music through the earpiece, the fan, the running of wheels by the boys

6- When you got out the last time, what did you do ?
Eat chicken rice at Serangoon Circle before heading off towards the Old Folks home to visit my grandma. Then off to somewhere near Joo Chiat for a bowl of wanton.

7- What are you wearing ?
T-shirt and shorts

8- Before answering this questionnaire, what were you watching ?
Reading the wife's blog

9- Did you dream last night ?
Nope. I was in 'coma' when I got home.

10- When is the last time you laughed ?
Not today. On 27th?

11- What is on the walls of the room you’re in ?
Paintings, switches/plugs

12- Did you see something strange today ?
None that i can remember.

13- What do you think of this questionnaire ?
Nothing in particular

14- What’s the last movie you watched ?
Love My Life. [It's a Japanese Movie]

15- Should you be multimillionnaire, what’s the first thing you would buy ?
Move out of this house immediately. That's the very first thing I would do.

16- Tell us something about you we don’t already know :
I got full marks for my literature years ago. Got second in class for Combine Humanities during my 5th year in high school, but I can't read a map.

17- If you could change something in the world outside of culpability and politics, what would you change ?
Not sure.

18- Do you like to dance ?
Yes, since I was very very young.

19- Georges Bush ?
I know him, but he don't know me.

20- What would be your daughter’s name ?
I thought of Mitchelle. But it is so similar to my name, so forget it.

21- And your son’s ?
No idea.

22- Did you ever think of living abroad ?

23- What would you want God to tell you when you’ll go through heaven’s gates ?
You are a bad daughter.

24- Who are the 4 next victims for this questionnaire ?

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