Thursday, December 18, 2008

Knock Knock This year, when I couldn't get a job, I blame the economic recession. And when I didn't pass an interview or an interview give me false hope, I blame the people who interviewed me. Not once have I blame it on myself.

So to get my butt out, and knock some sense into me and stop blaming others due to own mistake, I am going to blame myself for the first time.

  • I blame myself for having mutiple failures of interviews.
  • I blame myself for not trying hard enough.
  • I blame myself for not giving my cutest and happiest smile.
  • I blame myself for the wrong body language.
  • I blame myself for many things.
And now as I sat down, many thoughts came pondering into me.

  • I have to get a job soon, so that I can fulfill my dream of applying degree at the age of 21.
  • I don't want to wait for an opportunity comes knocking on my door, I want to knock on opportunity's door.
  • I need to have the courage to make the first step in life and stop being who I am now.
  • Stop Salty from kissing me whenever I sat on the floor day dreaming!
Ah, you can forget about the last point.
But whatever that is, I am going to make a change in life. I need to balance my optimism and pessimism.

I shall pray every night. And I shall search every search engine for a decent and enjoyable job that I like. Even if I have the job I wanted and the people sucks, I should force myself to stay and overcome it because it is an obstacle set ahead of me. But partly because of the economic recession, if I have a job during that period of time. Whatever the reason is, no job hopping as and when I like. Grr . . .

All the best and good luck to me.

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