Tuesday, December 9, 2008

IMM Daiso

Ah . . .
Waking up in the morning was never something I would do often. But because I am meeting my dearest Honey for breakfast at AMK, I dragged myself out of the bed. Fed the kids, called Honey up for the second time before getting myself into the bathroom.

It is a rainy day the whole day. Wearing jacket does not help in keeping me warm. Breakfast at AMK, I thought there would be $2 breakfast since it is a weekday. But no, instead we ate one set of sausage muffin with egg and an additional hotcake with sausage. Yumyum.

Headed towards Jurong East via MRT. Long ride~ I thought I could sleep, but this wife of mine was having sugar high and I have to entertain her before she sleep till we reached our destination. My wife made me carry her bag almost the whole day. No worries, no complains because her bag was light before we reach Daiso. After Daiso, it became heavy. =.=

We bought the same ceramic food bowl for our kids, the same series. Got another swing and a wooden house for them. FINALLY I SAW THE RARE AND FAMOUS HAMHEADS! Got two, because the other two quality was not in good condition, plus they only have 3 blues and 1 green. Of course I do not want the same colors, so I choose the better blue one and the green.

Ah . . .
Shopping was tiring especially when I had not enough sleep. Honey was equally tired too. Poor us~

Honey bought some things for herself too. Like some wooden pegs and magnets, some strap on weights for her arms. We were looking for non toxic glue at Daiso, but because all are in Japanese words, we gave up.

IMM Daiso was so huge that before we even finished walking the whole area, we are both worn out. Super tired can!

Journey home was tiring too. We practically slept from Outram Park to SengKang station when we board the North-East line.
Ah . . .
We are so tired.

So next time if I were to go visit IMM Daiso again, I shall make sure that I sleep full 8hours.

Shopping spree aside.

I lost my precious promise ring. It is to important that whenever I look at my left ring finger, which is currently empty, I felt depressed. It is so important that whenever I quarrel with my wife, I will take a look at it and realized how much I love her.

I want my ring back!
If I get a replacement, it will never be the same again.

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