Friday, December 5, 2008


I did something sinful today. I have totally forgotten that I have a dog now, and that I opened the door without closing thinking that I have to reach the bus stop as soon as possible to fetch my beloved wife. But because she reached early as she took cab over, she stood outside my door step.

And so, I totally forgotten that my dog will sneak out without knowing. He really does sneak out! And so, after jumping to greet my wife, he ran off straight for the stairs. Because I stayed at the 2nd storey, it is easy for him to escape. Like a mad person, I chased after him because first thing, I did not want my sister to come back to find her dog missing. Secondly, I do have feelings for this dog although he had spoil many of my things. Thirdly, I do not want him to go missing.

Good thing that this stupid dog actually waited for me after he got down the first flight of steps. And down another flight of steps, he waited too. =.= But after I reached, he sprinted off and so I did. Good thing I have a history in running and that many said I am a better sprinter than some of my friends who think they are fast in running. =x

I caught up with this dog, slapped him in public and carried him home. He is so freaking heavy. Around 9+ to 10kg. 0.0

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