Saturday, December 27, 2008

10 Things I Dislike About My Sister Here's the 10 things I dislike about my biological sister:
  • The dog is always right even if he bullies me or my parents. And we get scolded for 'teaching' the dog the wrong way. Whatever that is, she's always right in educating the dog.
  • I'm always the one that got locked out since the age of 16, during the weekends or the holidays. For now, it would be until that moron is off for National Service. How can a guy like him that can't stand going out for sea for months survive in the National Service. One word, hopeless.
  • She takes things for granted. For example, she created a mess in the room and kept delaying to tidy it up with various reasons and of course my mum ended up cleaning and tidying it up for her. And when her things went missing, she blames the mother. =.=
  • Jump into conclusion. For example when the dog bite my pants and wouldn't let go, I stomped my foot just to show that I'm in a fit of anger. And right at that moment, that dumb dog came right in front of me, and my sister assumed that I kicked him, or rather have the intention to. First thing I should do the other day when the dog ran out was to ignore it completely.
  • She brought home the dog insisting that she will look after it. But what happened now? She just dump the dog at home hoping that I would look after it for her since I am not working. Best part was, if I didn't clear the pee and shit he had made, I get the scolding instead. That is when she's at home. The feeding, the cleaning are all done by either by mum or me. All she does as a 'responsible' owner was sending the dog for classes, grooming and visiting the vet when he's unwell. How nice. If she doesn't have the time, don't keep a dog for goodness sake.
  • Always make use of me. And me, blindly just allows her to when I know the obvious motive. Irritating. I should just ignore.
  • By having a DSLR due to the wife who bought it during her Japan trip to Hokkaido the other time, my freaking sister take for granted when I tries to snap picture of the dog as practice. All she ever say was, "You have so many photos of Salty's picture and didn't bother to share" Not even a thank you when I gave her. So much of a sister.
  • Had her boyfriend bully me and didn't even bother to help. This is the kind of sister I have. When I said bully, it meant bully. I wouldn't go further into what bully is that. The wife knows about it and she's super angry about it.
  • When she went totally bankrupt, she will ask either me or my mother for money. She is aiming my piggy bank since I am not working currently, although I am still job hunting and waiting for replies. And when you asked to borrow, she will go all gaga over it.
  • Every morning, she will make a hell load of noise with her epilator (how do you spell it?), just to shave her leg and armpit. It's either that, or when she's preparing to go out with her boyfriend, they'll pretend that I do not exist and start mumbling or rather talking with the lights on bright. So very considerate. And if you did the same thing, you'll get a hell load of scolding and nagging.
I hate the way she is. That's why I am complaining at this hour of time.

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