Saturday, November 29, 2008

Point Form Update

  • Visited Serangoon North today. Checked prices on the bedding and got some new stuff(s) and food for the kids. Even chatted with the uncle at Pet Kiosk the one we normally went to. I always play with his hamsters and rabbits. There is some cute bunnies, small in size. But Baby says I have to upgrade to guinea pig first before keeping a rabbit in future.
  • Baby says that in future, we would have a huge big tank specially made for our future syrian hamsters. And that is if we have a house of ours.
  • Called Michael and bought some cat litters and a box of food from him. Do not ask me about the price, because I am not the one calling and talking to him. I am only the one to carry the stocks home.
  • Although I did on my laptop this afternoon upon reaching home, I was lazy to come online. Thus, I on the windows media player and played a few songs while Baby and I cleaned Simba's cage which is full of ants.
  • I apologize to Evil Sister for not being able to online during the day time and thus did not entertained her. I shall make it up to her in my own ways.
  • Some woman at who visited Pet Kiosk asked for Baby's number because her friend is looking for syrian hamster breeder. Do we look like hamster breeder in the first place? Now I am considering whether to breed them or not. My son looks haggard now. And I am trying to help him to have a speedy recovery. Might be sending him to another vet for check up soon.
  • I hate ants now. They are invading my son's cage. Grr . . .
  • Currently I am learning grammar all over again, photoshop and HTML too. I might be considering to learn photography at the same time. Other than learning, I do not forget about job hunting. I am still job hunting, so people, pray for me.
  • Evil Sister has her own sense of humour in so many ways. Especially when I meet her up where Yee is around. They never fail to tease one another in so many ways.
  • Next time I shall have a female dog. Not that I do not like male dogs, but the penis part is restricting me to 'sayang' his whole tummy. You know how male dogs gets excited easily? May be for Salty only. =x
  • I thought my tummyache is alright now, but was wrong after enjoying the aircon in the afternoon. Now I am feeling the tummyache. T.T
    Might be considering to see a doctor about it soon.
  • Have talked to Baby about picking up a sport during the weekend. Most probably would be going for swimming during the weekend, except during our menstruation period.
  • I think I need to get a new set of wheels for my skateboard. Anyone wants to sponsor me?

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