Tuesday, November 4, 2008

[3.11.08]Hosting for programme, Selina reveals the 3 of them plays...

Note: Please credit wyn0602 of CEFC for translation of article and do not edit any parts of this article. Please quote this translated article (including this note) in its entirety. Thank you for your co-operation.

Substitute Hosting [College Students, Are You Ready?]
Selina Revealed the Trio’s Hobby of Being Touchy-Feely
[2008.11.03 China News]

The first episode of Selina acting as substitute host for CTI’s [College Students, Are You Ready?] will air on November 3rd. Ella and Hebe in a show of support, not only appearing as guests for the first episode, they even arrived early to accompany Selina for the taping of the show. Speaking of the close relationship between the three, Selina described it as even seeing each other in the buff, there would not by any discomfort. In private, they would even massage each other’s breasts for fun. Ella added: [I can eat any spot sticking out from Selina!] This made Selina blushed profusely on the spot.

Helped Each Other Remove Hair Backstage

Regarding the trio’s figures, Selina recommended that the shape of Hebe’s chest was the most beautiful, [She is just right. Small boned but is not too skinny.] Ella described that although Hebe seemed very thin, but it felt very good to the touch and was simply the best quality. Other than often seeing each other in the buff, Selina even added: [We often help each other remove hair backstage. When notice by staff members, we could only smile dumbly.]

Numerous Disgraceful Moments When Relationship Ended

When such a close-knitted group of girls gathered together, often guys became the main conversational topic, but S.H.E admitted that their interest in other girls was greater than that for guys. Ella and Hebe even loved to discuss about the figures of female fans. However, they would not say bad things about the boyfriends of their close friends and would wait until the relationship had ended before they would criticize. Hebe self-confessed: [Just now in the car, Ella criticized that the guy I fell for earlier is not handsome at all.] She also admitted that she had once cried so hard that she fell off her seat over a boyfriend who betrayed her for another girl. Selina also had the experience of feeling so much pain over the end of a relationship that she would hide in her room and get drunk. In the end, she even stepped on her own vomit and fell. It was an absolutely embarrassing moment.

Ella’s Sexy Photos

During an appearance on a recently televised program, Selina indicated that she often would act as photographer and take sexy pictures of Ella in which Ella would be wearing only a thin lace and Hebe responsible for arranging poses. Ella hurriedly explained: [Those were beautiful pictures but I think I would only allow it to be shown on my funeral. I would be dead by then and so it wouldn’t be too embarrassing.]

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