Saturday, November 1, 2008

[01.11.08]CityFM Weekend Voice - S.H.E Showed No Mercy Revealing Each Other\'s Secret

Note: Please credit wyn0602 of CEFC for translation of article and do not edit any parts of this article. Please quote this translated article (including this note) in its entirety. Thank you for your co-operation.

CityFM Weekend Voice – S.H.E Showed No Mercy Revealing Each Other’s Secret

Many major stars appeared on the CityFM Weekend Voice. Other than Evan Yo, Alan Kuo and YiDa Huang singing live, S.H.E also went on the program [The 13th Hour with Emi Lee] to ask for the secret of being deejays. During the program, it was accidentally revealed the embarrassing story of Selina being easy to pursue and the increasingly beautiful Ella complained that Evan Yo had overlooked her beauty which displeased her.

Ella Revealed Super Easy to Pursue
Selina Exclaimed [No True!]

Since S.H.E has many admirers, when Emi Lee asked them about their views on relationships, Ella said that she was very realistic and would not force the issue on relationships; Hebe indicated that she was afraid of being hurt and so it was difficult for her to be fully committed; and just as Selina about to speak, Ella shot out this “arrow”: [She is super easy to pursue.] Ella indicated that Selina was a romantic girl and could not resist male gentle persuasion. As long as the other person provided her with love and concern every day, she would not be able to resist. Hebe, in complete agreement, continued: [I think the custodian at her building only needed to inquire about her wellbeing and give her a rose everyday, he should be successful in pursuing her.] As soon as she said this, Selina immediately said in alarm: [Please, these types of talk must not reach the ears of the custodian. I don’t want to be nervous every time I go home.] After listening to the trio’s verbal back and forth, Emi Lee came up with the conclusion of three lows. She said: [Selina has three lows. Low laughing threshold, low crying threshold and the threshold for pursuing her is particularly low.] This had Selina kept exclaiming: [That’s not true! I am being framed!]

S.H.E Asked for the Secret of Being Deejays
Ella Complained that Evan Yo Overlooked Her Beauty

In the fun-filled interview, Emi Lee suddenly discovered that [You three really don’t know how to shut up. The deejay idea for this album is really suitable for you.] Unexpectedly, the trio would exclaim with a frown that [It is not so simple being deejays!] Apparently when they were promoting the new album, they interviewed major stars such as Jay Chou, Ah-Mei and Lin Chiling. S.H.E indicated that even if they had done all their homework beforehand, they still ended up with awkward moments such as dead air between conversation or going off on a tangent from the guest. Emi Lee added: [The logical sense of deejays must be strong and always have a central theme.] Upon hearing this, Selina laughed loudly: [That’s right. That’s exactly what we are missing! We kept getting overexcited talking to our guest but after the excitement is over, everything seemed so empty.] When she said that, Emi Lee asked them to pretend to be deejays in order to test their on-the-spot reaction. Surprisingly they became nervous and started to mispronounce words which caused everyone to laugh uproariously. When they were introducing the merits of the new album, Selina actually said unthinkingly: [The third merit point is…each person has three points.] which had Ella and Hebe sitting next to her to laugh drily and said: [The central theme definitely went askew.] Although the new album received rave reviews, during this interview, Ella wanted to lodge a complaint on air against new songwriter Evan Yo because for the song [Waiter], the demo lyrics in the beginning mentioned that [Ella was very approachable, and Selina is super gorgeous.] This made the increasingly feminine Ella to say with some ire [Why is it that I would only be approachable!] Evan Yo who also hosted a program on the weekend included [Actually what I admire is Ella’s straightforward nature!] which demonstrated that talented men found inner beauty most important.


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