Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Here's a small update of my life.

  • Feeling vexed yesterday, because of what had been going on. Waiting at the lobby for more than hour has left both Baby and me unhappy. (We're running errands for my sis-in-law.)
  • Got a few more food for the kids, which left both our wallets to be almost empty. But it's worth it, because I can tell, we're a happy family.
  • Visited Hersheys yesterday. And yes, I finally got to walk her when we're off to the nearby clinic. Baby was sick, and called in on MC for one day.
  • Hadn't started work, because the boss or the coordinator of the company has yet to contact me. So I'm rotting at home thinking if I should find more better job.
  • I felt like drawing, but I've no inspiration to. Where's all my artistic cells went to? I want to draw! Cartoon, realistic, whatever it can be.
  • Loke didn't reply me AT ALL. All that I've received from her was a short sms on the diary products that China had produced. You know, the diary things that has been going on lately? Yes, I bought 2 carton of HL Milk, and my sister got worried. No worries, it's safe, as it made in Malaysia.
  • Been taking care of my health. Baby didn't allow me to kiss her on the lips, because she doesn't want me to get the germs. She has learnt her lesson, she said. She did also mentioned that once I'm sick, it would take quite a long time for me to recover. Well, only once. The rest of the time when I'm sick, I does have a speedy recovery.
  • Finally caught [Step Up 2] at Baby's place yesterday. I quite like the show. :D
  • Although Baby was fierce towards me after she had sent me home, everything was fine. We're both fine. I'm not angry, she's not angry. :D
  • Baby's parking skills wasn't in good shape yesterday. As the car was VERY slanted yesterday. And the last parking she had to do when I'm around, she was determined to park it straight. *laughs* And she really did. But she did erm, hit into the curb once or twice. Not the first time.
  • I didn't had to wait very long to be driven around by Baby. Before we're together as an item, I said I wanted to sit in the car that she drives. She told me to wait. A month or two later, I'm in the car that she drove. *happy*
  • I saw two guys on a baby pink bike. Baby said they might be gay. But after seeing that the guys aren't hugging or anything, she said maybe they're not gay. As we moved on, we came towards a junction, where I seen a big group of motorcyclist. Baby said she can't see, and told me not to say anything because she'll be distracted when driving. Oops.
  • Baby and I had yet to get S.H.E new album.
  • Evil sister knew I wasn't in good mood like say, don't know when. She went on telling me to hit small people. You know, those kind that chinese do at the temple, with a piece of paper in a shape of a man? And you'll start wacking the paper man and curse whatever you want.
  • Graduation Ceremony is drawing near. I don't really care who is going anymore. If Loke is there, I shall not take a picture with her, because she still owe me my video. Humph.
  • KBox session with Evil sister and I, anyone?

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