Sunday, September 7, 2008

KBox Session

Got an unexpected call from Tong, headed off to Compass Point after shoo-ing the dog from my slipper. Chatted with her and Yee for quite some time. It's good to know they're doing fine, and they're still the same except for Tong's life. =.=

And I told Lei about the meeting with the two girls mentioned above, she began her usual saying of why I didn't ask her down. Well, we're in SengKang, I doubt she'll come over. Instead, she'll be saying we can go over to Woodlands. =.=

As I was chatting with this Evil sister of mine, we began talking about KBox session.

Mickytopia says:
Mickytopia says:
we shall go kbox
Mickytopia says:
ask more more ppl go
Mickytopia says:
more more fun
[mystery]empty as a rubbish bin. 就像個空空垃圾桶 says:
ask who
Mickytopia says:
me, myself and i
[mystery]empty as a rubbish bin. 就像個空空垃圾桶 says:
den i shall ask
[mystery]empty as a rubbish bin. 就像個空空垃圾桶 says:
i myself n me

So, because we didn't know who to call for this KBox session, Evil sister asked me to put up a notice on my blog, and see which friends of ours would be interested to come and join us.

So, KBox session anyone? It's like super long since we meet up, so don't be shy. Come come, let's gather together and have some fun. Release the stress from work or school, it's better than not doing it in the first place.

For more information, please contact Evil Sister.

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