Tuesday, September 9, 2008

ELLA’s Wish to Get Married; Selina's Confession to Matchmaking

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ELLA’s Wish to Get Married; Selina's Confession to Matchmaking

As part of their publicity schedule, SHE visited “Shen Qiu Hua Life-show”. Host Shen Qiu Hua was curious how the trio never had any rumours of breaking up in the past 7 years. She asked, “How did you all stay so close to each other, don’t you all ever feel competitive?” To this, Selina replied, “We managed to hide it well!” The trio often discusses about love relationships in their personal chats, Shen queried, “Would your friendship be affected by love relationships?” In response, ELLA said candidly, shocking everyone, “No, falling in love with one of us, is equivalent to starting a relationship with all 3.” Her bold reply got everyone in the studio to wow aloud. Selina quickly clarified, “She meant ‘mentally’!” It means we would share our feelings, and exchanged thoughts with each other. And everyone heaved a sigh of relief at the clarification.

SHE’s family members were also invited onto the programme. Selina’s father thanked his daughter for buying a new house for the family. And Selina said, this is cliché but still she would be moved to tears.

Shen then asked, “I heard that Ren-pa and Ren-ma hope that you would settle down soon, and even arranged matchmaking session for you?” Selina replied it was her mother’s idea and she would in turn introduce the promising candidates to other friends, for instance to introduce the sunny guy to ELLA, and the handsome one to Hebe. To satisfy her curiosity, Shen asked, “What about you then?” Selina joked, “Of course, I would have made my choice, before introducing them the remaining candidates.”

Despite her sunny and cheerful disposition onscreen, ELLA appeared more pessimistic in reality. ELLA said she really mind how others look at her and would tend to show her more sunny side. Shen asked, “Which is the criticism you could not stand most?” ELLA replied, “(The false remark that states) Sex change. I am definitely female.”

When asked on what most public figures feared most – relationship matters, ELLA was gracious and cool, I won’t but my company would feel more harassed. If there is someone I like, I would definitely admit. Probed on what her ideal partner would be like, ELLA replied Mr Right has yet to appear. However her friends let out her secret, “Actually she wishes to get married!” This caused ELLA to be very shy. Shen then asked, “’When do you wish to get married?” ELLA answered graciously she wish to get married by 30 years old, thus, she needs to work harder now at 27. As
to whether she would accept if her ex were to ask for reconciliation,ELLA said, yes! Even if I end up being hurled verbal abuses of “asking for trouble”. These frank words revealed ELLA’s forthright personality.

While Hebe’s relationship was not being told on, her brother remarked, “She is very noisy. Since young, I’ve always felt my sister is rowdy!” Her brother revealed that she was always singing and they would fight over the use of bathroom while schooling, as she tend to hog the place. Meanwhile, Hebe refused to admit a thing. Shen asked, “What is the longest duration?” Her brother replied, “About an hour! Even the shower head was traumatised and got spoilt because of her singing.” Her embarrassing incidents during childhood years got everyone laughing mad.

credits: syyang of Baidu Ella and AF Ella

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