Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Out of the blue, right before I allowed Baby off to bed last night, I've requested for a very simple wedding in the future. Baby was saying that marriage is a lifetime commitment and responsibilities, so wherever the wedding is held, is fine with her. See, my Baby so sweet. I've should have requested by the beach, with a huge party instead. =x

Yes, I know I've been like changing my mind on my future wedding with my Baby. But, wedding is once in a lifetime, of course I want it the way Baby and myself would like right? Somehow, I've requested not to wear wedding gown, because somehow, I know what kind of wedding gown Baby would pick for me. It'll be a secret for now, wait for the day to arrive, then you'll know what kind of wedding gown, my Baby would most probably pick for me.

Anyway, my future wedding will be at our house, meaning Baby and my future house. Reason is simple, because I want a simple wedding! I don't want fanciful wedding banquet at any restaurant, or by the beach, or being at someplace having buffet. I want it at my place, where we'll celebrate this wonderful day. And, not all of our friends will be invited. Because I've requested to invite a few here and there.

Reason is simple:
  • The space of our future home won't be that big to accommodate over like 50 to 100 people, unless we held it at the void deck which is highly impossible. Because I want it to be at my home! Not void deck.
  • Sometimes, people do have budget, so you can't blame. The most we'll ask the uninvited friends out for a simple tea or dinner. Hopefully that will make up for the not being invited to my wedding.
  • I don't want neighbors to complain due to the noise level and the blockage of corridor.

Wedding dream aside. It's a very good thing that I didn't went to welcome Singapore Women Table Tennis team yesterday, just because I wanted to see how Feng Tian Wei looks like in person. It's a huge crowd, I know because I've just watched the video on xin.sg.

Which is a good thing. Because I don't have to squeeze among the crowds to smell sweat. Plus, my Baby won't have to worry about my safety when she's working and having the trouble to locate where I am after her work.

Since I'm so free lately, I'm so going to visit the library soon to kill time. And, I've a half painted drawing, asking mum to help me sell for $10 when I'm done. She told me she doesn't want to help me. What a nice mother.

Whatever. Something nice that I've been waiting for like 8 months already. I'm having chilli crab tonight! Cooked by my dearest mother whom I would quarrel and argue with her every now and then for the sake of fun. =x

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