Friday, August 1, 2008


Salty recently likes to climb up the sofa, despite him not knowing/daring to get down. He'd always wait for someone to carry him down, because, it's one of the safest way for him to touch the ground.

Something shocking today about Salty was, I FOUND HIM STANDING ON FOURS ON THE COFFEE TABLE. OK, I shouldn't be shock in the first place, but the problem is, I just woke up to find him standing on the table. And he was looking at me with pride, like Simba from the Lion King 2 - Simba's Pride. Totally almost the same can!

Anyway, ignore this dog.

In around 6-7 more days, I'd be off to Thailand. Finally a holiday trip, although it's the familiar place again. But whatever, at least I know a few of my way here and there. *happy*

Can't wait to do all these:

  • Had at least a bowl of Bird's Nest
  • Shop around whichever malls that is the nearest
  • Shop for clothings, if possible, for my bears too
  • Sky Lounge Buffet! I'm so going to eat as much of the ice cream and dessert as I can
  • Sizzler! I'm so going to have that grilled chicken, or was it the other kind of chicken? Whatever. . .
  • Enjoy the bathe tub
I'm so not going to enjoy the bus ride for sure. *humph*

I'm playing Rubik's Cube. *yipee* But I'm not going to buy one. Just kidnap the one Baby has. =x

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