Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Happy 19th Birthday

People, let me introduce you to my very very very bestest friend! Tan Woon Cheng! OK, I would always call her Cheng.

It's been many many years of friendship. Didn't meet up for like quite long. During primary school, contact only through letters. That time we're still not using e-mails, so we used snail mail instead. At least once a month we'll write to one another. Not to forget, writing to Yan as well.

Anyway, this girl here, it's her big day. How big is it? It's not as grand as 21st birthday that people normally celebrate. But of course, it's something big. She's a year older than last year, and a year younger than next year. Whatever it is, she would still say she's young at heart. Yes girl, we're all young at heart.

She has been ranting since early morning around 1am plus about not knowing where to eat. And she had many belated birthday celebration waiting for her. And since she LS for so many days, I suppose she's going to gain back those weight again during this few birthday celebration she's going to have.

Lucky girl I would say. Loke totally forgotten about my birthday. So much of a friend. But oh well, I didn't really wish her either. Whatever it is, at least Yan and Cheng remembered mine. Not to forget, my precious Baby who celebrated my 19th birthday with me this year. I'm still a happy and lucky girl. *smile*

Since we're all 19, let's enjoy our very last year of teenage-hood before we step into the 20s category. Although I had only a few months more to enjoy. But still, I'm still at the age of 19.

Happy Birthday to my dearest sister. And I hope you'll enjoy your day, and mind your diet. You've just recovered, don't go LS-ing again. Although I know you want to shade off that extra pounds, but LS-ing to shade off isn't a good idea right?

I know you would nag at me for writing such stuff on my blog just to wish you a very happy birthday. My dearest sister, mind that your birthday wish/entry on my blog is the longest. I don't remember writing this long for Yan though. =x

Anyway, when we reach the year where we'll turn 21, mind you, on February, you're going to spend more money than usual. *happy* Whatever, it's like 2 more years. Anyway, take care of your health, more important.

Meet up when we're all free. Most probably we'll go Raffles Hotel for lunch. *hint hint* The lunch there is nice.

Since I'm already at the age of 19, my Baby has started to nag at how old I am now. Because when we started out together, I'm only at the age of 18. And with my hairstyle, the half rebonded hair remember? Ya, she said during that period of time, I look like I'm 14. And now, I look like 17. =.= Thanks Baby, making my age so much younger.

But still, she says I'm old. Because I don't give her that shy smile I always had last year I think. Plus my hair looks so much different from now. OK, that's it. I'm so going to do up on my hair real soon right before my graduation ceremony. Most probably have to wait till next month or so. Or maybe, shall do it in Thailand, although I'm a little scared because of the communication barrier. Yes, communication barrier is always the thing that makes us miscommunicate. I don't know how to speak in Thai language. How to bargain for cheap prices?

This reminds me. Cheng! Your birthday present, shall give you on a later date. Most probably your niece will send it to you. =x

The End.


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