Monday, August 18, 2008

Dragging of Singapore's Flag *edited*

I was browsing through the internet last night, reading on news. And I happened to stumble onto my favourite DJ's blog. And there he wrote about Li Jia Wei.

Cruz Teng wrote about Li Jia Wei dragging the Singapore's flag across the ground during the Olympic's Opening. Not only that, he also gave a sentence of what Li Jia Wei said during an interview with the press if I'm not wrong.

“希望在2008, 我自己又是一个北京人,又是中国人,我希望能在自己的本土,怎么说呢,自己的地盘上能够取得一面奖牌。”

For people who can't read in Chinese, here's a brief translation (my English wasn't that good, so is my Chinese. Pardon for the misuse of words, or for the wrong translation).

She was saying that hoping in the year 2008, she'll once again a citizen of China, in her hometown Beijing, to win a medal in her own territory.

I thought she's a Singaporean? And is proud to be one? Or is she saying the wrong things? Or is she missing her hometown more? It doesn't really matter on what she's saying, but dragging the National flag across the ground is totally unacceptable right? It shows that she's disrespecting Singapore. Bleahx.

Hey, freedom of speech. I'm just trying to say what I want to.

Anyway, that dragging of National flag aside.

I'm so terrible sad, because since last year I've been waiting for Harry Potter's new movie to be out. To great disappointment, I've to wait till next July. How saddening, after waiting for a year to be welcomed by great disappointment.

There's various reasons, so just choose the ones that you think is appropriate.

Link 1:,2933,404681,00.html
Link 2:


Congrats to Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi! They're a married couple now.



Sad thing about China this year is that their most favourite runner, Liu Xiang, had backed out of the competition this year. It was due to his injury not having recovered, and thus was feeling the pain. Thus before he made his run during the event, he walked off limping in pain.

Hope his injury would heal, and he'll be back by next Olympics. :D

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