Thursday, August 28, 2008

[27.8.08]S.H.E arranged to meet fans online in sept through online radio

Good news to all S.H.E fans!

S.H.E has arranged to meet fans online in September through an online radio. As S.H.E has also been known to have an endless conversation topics, which made them having decided to have an online radio broadcast, to share with fans on all sorts of media news.

There would be guest appearance, which they have made a guest wish list appearance, which includes “Heavenly Queen Faye Wong”, Korean superstar Won Bin and Patrick Dempsey of the Grey’s Anatomy’s fame.

Over the past few months, the trio had been keeping a low profile, busying themselves with upcoming album and of course this secretly planned online radio broadcast.

Their broadcast station will be FM SHE. So do stay tune for their online radio broadcast.

Related news below:

SHE to Greet Fans via Webcast in September

Popular group SHE has always been known to have endless conversation topics as they are very close to each other. Now, the trio decided to hold their conversations via webcast. They will launch a web station called “FM SHE” in September and plan to invite guest stars to their programmes. Their wish list of guests includes “Heavenly Queen Faye Wong”, Korean superstar Won Bin and Patrick Dempsey of the Grey’s Anatomy’s fame.

Over the past half year, SHE kept a low profile away from the public’s eyes. Not only are they busy preparing for the new album, they are also sourcing ideas for their web station / programmes. As the trio is often so immersed in their chats that they forgot themselves totally, they decided it is best to share this “specialty” with everyone. Ella joked, “We have so much conversation topics to share, it would really be a waste of our talents if we do not have our very own broadcast programme.”

This being the first time SHE have their own web station, all three of them started to think of titles for themselves. The usually composed Hebe is named the “CEO”; while demure Selina is most suited to take the “Call-ins”; and the most passionate Ella is undoubtedly the best person as the “GM” who will be in-charge of all the big and small matters of the web station.

In SHE’s views, “FM SHE” is no laughing matter. They met up with the personnel within their record company to discuss the nature and contents of the programmes many times. Preliminary plan suggests that programmes will be customised according to the different personalities of the trio and there would be segments on lifestyle, current affairs, matters of the heart and music etc. Ella will also take-charge to compose the jingle for SHE’s very own web station.

“FM SHE” is slated to launch just before SHE’s new album release, and will showcase their latest songs. Other than being the GM, Ella will also play to her full potential in public relations and marketing flair to extend the outreach of the station. Ella said jokingly, “I hope my good friends won’t bar my calls on their mobiles. And I will sure offer discounts to my good friends for buying advertisement airtime on our station!”

translation credit: syyang of baidu ella and AF

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