Saturday, April 12, 2008

Packing of Room

Yesterday, I went over to Honey's place in the afternoon after her trip to Kovan to meet her mother. Upon hearing that she has to pack her always messy room, and her request of wanting me to be there, I went over.

That's her messy table, the other side of table was kind of messy too, but can say well-pack after my helping. But still there's one big load of mountain there, because there's no room to put all the big stuffs.

It's a good thing Honey is sending most of her unwanted soft toys to the Salvation Army. And so one part of her table looks neat. While packing, it would be quite irritated to have a very active dog like Hersheys who climbed up onto the table. And the end results was making it difficult to pack. =.=

After much packing, this is the outcome of the table. Doesn't it look much neater?

Anyway, due to my loss of appetite recently, I've lost about 2kg. =.= My tightly worn Sheen Casio watch has started to went loose. Due to this, Honey insisted that I gain back to 45kg by next month 11th. If I didn't manage to, I'll get punished with something I totally terribly hate, which I do not know what it is. Even if I make a big fuss and throw my temper about, Honey would still insist that I did that freaking punishment. And so . . . I need to gain 2kg by next month. People, help me! Any tips on putting on weight and getting back my ever huge appetite? I don't want to get punish!

Was chatting with my ex-classmate last night. We touched the topic on Loke being almost pregnant. And Goh was thinking if Loke would just bonk any guy she met. And thinking doesn't Loke would be afraid of contracting HIV? But still it doesn't concern me. I'm just concern about pregnancy before marriage. It's a good thing my other half is a female, no worries in getting pregnant. :D

I waited since morning till 12noon for a package to arrive at my place which belongs to Honey. Freaking idiot, the thing came right at the dot on 12noon, and made me having not enough sleep. I slept on the uncomfortable sofa in the living room feeling cold. And got woken up by calls and sms-es by Honey. Not to mention, a sudden thunder in the late mornings.

I like and dislike rainy days. I like rainy days because I get to sleep and the weather is totally suitable to be asleep. But . . . The sudden roar of thunder and sudden strike of lightning will make me freak out or scare the hell out of me when I'm totally unprepared for it. Small thunders would be fine.

Rainy cause other problems too. I want to go swimming, I want to play basketball and badminton, I want to go cycling. But somehow, my bicycle has yet to get fixed. =.=

I would hereby give my one minute of silence and condolences to Xueli and her family. Her father passed on, on Thursday (did I remember the date correctly? =x).

I do not know how to show my feelings towards such situation, so I can't write/type much about my feelings.

I had nightmare, of 3 person died. I do not know how nor of the gender. But still, I hope this kind of nightmare wouldn't bug me. It's been quite some time since I last had such dreams.

Bless Me


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