Saturday, March 15, 2008

To my Dearest 4th Grandaunt

Dearest 4th Grandaunt,

I have yet to say goodbye to you, nor have I been there in time to. I would proudly say, you're the one of the best grandaunt I ever had.

Though my memories of you isn't much, but they'll always be with me. It was sad to hear that you're back home with Father Lord. I hope you will enjoy your eternal life up in heaven, a home where Father Lord has prepared for all His children.

I am happy that you've cared for me and watch me grow to be who I am now. I am contented with all those love, care and concern you've showered me. Though I maybe a naughty girl when I was young, running around pretending to be a cop and shouted at you for no reason, you didn't get angry nor tell me off; but to look at me with your ever fierce eyes.

Grandaunt, I would miss those times where we're sort of at the backyard in Bridport Ave 96 and 94. Those times where I watch you making those new years goodies. From love letters to Kuay Ba Lu. I've yet to learn them from you, nor get the recipe, but the taste of them will always be with me. I maybe the naughty girl which might be of the way while you bake, but I thank God that I managed to taste the ever nicest love letter and Kuay Ba Lu. I will and always would miss these goodies which I would have never be able to taste them again.

There are many of times where you would scold me when I did something, I know you care and I'm truly grateful now. I might not have the most vivid memories you gave. But you'll always live in me. Someone whom I love and cherish most.

It was sad to hear of your departure, but I know Father Lord has decided to bring you home, as it is the time you would and should have been home. Grandaunt, up in heaven, your new home. You won't have to suffer like you had on this earth, nor will you have to worry about the clothes you wear and the food you would be eating. As Father Lord has already done everything, and is waiting for the right time to bring His children home.

Dearest Grandaunt, I might see you up in heaven in many years to come. I will never know when Father Lord will bring me home. But I would say, I'm not obedient enough to enter the gate of heaven. I've strayed away from God in the power of Satan I think. Grandaunt, I'll try with all my might to fight away Satan, and be on the right path where Father Lord has once taken me to. To know Him better and do what He wants me to.

I'll miss everything about you. I am sad deep inside when I heard of your departure. Somehow I felt like crying yet there's no tears. I've also come to realize you have been home and I should be happy about it, because you're safe up in heaven, your new home. The home where you'll have your name pinned on the door. A home where you can leave your doors open and not worry about robbery nor burglary.

Grandaunt, may you rest in peace.
I'll miss you lots.

With lots of love,
your grandniece, Michelle.

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