Friday, March 28, 2008

Played Chess with a Miniature Daschund

My new wound, which I got it a few days ago due to an in-grown hair. But the in-grown hair doesn't seem to want to come out till this early morning. And there's pus oozing out while I get that in-grown hair out.

I saw a huge-ass cockroach lurking around the dinning table. Immediately, I grab the insecticide and chase it around the living room. Mum came out to scold me as that freaking insecticide will cause the floor to be slippery. The ending of the cockroach is right inside that red pail. I didn't dare to open it and dispose it's dead body. I'm waiting for either my father or mother to dispose it for me.

It was kind of gross as I watched it jumping and struggling for life. Poor cockroach. But it isn't my fault of being the murderer. I'm afraid of them and was determine to get rid of them.

Dear, our future house, please please let's not have such pests lurking around OK? They're a nightmare to me. Grr . . .

I went over to my girl's place today. Idiotic girl, slept till she barely could hear her phone rang 3 times due to sms, and 2 times due to calls. But eventually, she picked up the third call where I'm already outside of her doorsteps, just right at the staircase looking down at the plant her mother kept.

But still, I forgive her as she's having a nice and irritating headache. Being bored, I took a photo of her sleeping together with me. Upon knowing that I'm taking photos, she immediately gave me a peck on my cheek. Sweet~ I feel blessed. *smile*

After a nice long sleep since morning till around 3pm, we had a game of Chinese Chess. Remember I once blogged about her huge Chinese Chess set? Yes! Finally I got my hands on it.

After much attempts, I finally got a nice photo of this stupid miniature daschund. It wasn't easy to get her to sit right there just for me to get a picture of her, just to show my mum I played chess with this dog. =.=

Anyway, the game went rather slow due to me not knowing which piece to move. But still I won, when she wants to give me a double canon checkmate. Bleahx . . . I won by coincidence, as none of us notice that I've already won. =.=

See, my canon ate her king. Yeah! Yeah! I won, I won.

This is her huge chess set. Nice right?

My forum found a Thai version of S.H.E's song, OST from Hana Kimi through

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