It's early in the morning, 3:42am and I think I'm not going to have any sleep for the day. I'm rushing through my treatment for my TV Production, which I'm given this very early morning at around 2am to 3am. OK, it's between that time. And I'm so ranting my displeasure at such hour. Mum is chasing me off to bed every now and than, I don't think I'm going to have any sleep. Or most probably, when I'm way too tired; I would just bang my head right on my study desk and off to LaLa Land.
Having a big headache on how to write a treatment. Somehow, the treatment that I wrote with much brain juice being squeezed out didn't seem much appreciated. My eye lid is getting heavier, and I'm so trying to get myself to stay awake at such early hour. I need sleep, I can't go without sleep if not my mood/temper won't be good. Most probably, I'll scream, I'll shout, I'll argue or maybe give you a punch if my fist just fly straight at your face. I mean seriously, MICKY CAN'T THINK WHEN SHE IS THIS TIRED! What a life I'm having now.
The sky is dark and my stomach is grumbling due to my hunger; and I refused to grab a bite. I'm telling myself that I have to, no matter what, finish this treatment. I could hear snores! The samples Dear has given me is not helping me at all. I'm too, or way too tired to read it nor absorb the information(s) given. But I appreciate what Dear has done for me. Thanks for the lullaby almost every night, though I didn't ask for it tonight.
Seriously, I don't like last minute work, as it won't be a good work. Editing of video has yet to be done. Proposal has yet to be done. Script, I think it's half done. Treatment, I'm still doing it while taking a break to write this entry. Most probably, my entry is all about my ranting of displeasure. And I am certain that my eye-bag will get much more obvious than before all thanks to this very last minute work.
6 members in a group, 2 squeezing out brain juices and tries to get everything done, while 4 is shaking legs away. Reason is very very very simple. This little girl, by the surname, Loke, didn't assign jobs to all. She made the decisions and bought all the unnecessary stuffs without informing us. Next, when the 4 China girls asked if there's anything they could do/help, Loke replied saying they aren't much of a help as they don't know how to do it. Great, she didn't give them the chance to, how would she knows? By what my evil sister, Lei, told me that I should have told Loke my displeasure.
But God wants me to refrain from anger. An angry man hurts a innocent soul. Well, I doubt Loke is innocent. Yup, ever since I accept Jesus Christ, I could see the change in me. My temper rarely shows out the displeasure I had within me; unless necessary I assume.
If I ever over-stop when I'm taking train in the morning, I'm sure my face will be as black as my laptop. Maybe my love for Pandas should stop if I don't want to be one of them. Maybe my love for Polar Bear should increase more, so I won't have a very obvious eye-bag. =.=
11 Years
Dear Papa, 11 years have passed since you left us. Even after 11 years,
everybody still talks about you like you are still around. Every now and
then, I st...
8 years ago
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